Hello there! I’m a postdoc fellow at the Saxon Institute for Police and Security Research (SIPS). My research interests focus on quantitative methods and statistical computing, electoral studies, political extremism and fear of crime. I have experience working with a variety of datasets using R and Python, including survey, spatial, network and textual data. I’m also experienced in crafting research designs for the social sciences as well as designing surveys and questionnaires. Feel free to contact me in case you have any questions regarding my work.
Data Analysis & Visualization
Frequentist & Bayesian Methods
Data Scraping & Programming
Confirmatory and Exploratory Research
Sampling Designs & Questionnaire
Academic Publishing & Research Reports
Findings from a study (Mühler et al. 2022) on a weapon prohibition zone established on November 5, 2018, in Leipzig, Germany, indicate a decrease in crime rates within the zone. This paper asks whether the reduction is partially caused by displacement into surrounding areas or an actual reduction in crime.
This paper addresses the important question of cultural closeness (or distance) between subnational regions in Europe and aims to understand why certain regions are culturally closer than others. It makes a contribution by adapting the contact hypothesis to the phenomenon of cultural closeness and exemplifying a mechanism called cultural blending.
Im Beitrag wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie sich die politische Kriminalitätsfurcht im Zusammenspiel mit der wahrgenommenen Bedrohung durch linken und rechten politischen Extremismus auf das Wahlverhalten bzw. die Wahlabsicht auswirkt. Dabei geht es vor allem darum, welche Rolle dabei die Kompetenzzuschreibung („issue-ownership“) einzelner Parteien dabei.
Saxon Institute for Police and Security Research (SIPS)